Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Doing my part...advertising!

A friend of mine asked me to share this video, and so here I am!

It's a video for the Samsung Galaxy Tab, titled "For You". Let me know what you guys think.

Description (English):
2 crew members.2 actors. 2 days. 1 Samsung Galaxy Tab.
'For You' can probably be considered one of those spontaneous projects. The new Samsung Galaxy Tab is supposed to transform your life on the go - and that's what happens to our main character.
Producer - Sang-Yoon Song
Director - Ina Fischer
Camera - Ina Fischer
Editing - Sang-Yoon Song & Ina Fischer
Animation - Sang-Yoon Song
Music - Luís Chaves
Actors - Oliwia Smolen & Lukas N.P. Egger

Description (German):
Film-Crew: 2
Schauspieler: 2
Tage: 2
Samsung Galaxy Tab: 1
'For You' ist aus einer einfachen Idee enstanden und soll, durch eine kleine Liebesgeschichte, die Einfachheit und Anwendbarkeit des Samsung Galaxy Tabs darstellen.
Producer - Sang-Yoon Song
Regisseur - Ina Fischer
Kamera - Ina Fischer
Schnitt (Film) - Ina Fischer
Bearbeitung - Sang-Yoon Song & Ina Fischer
Animation - Sang-Yoon Song
Musik - Luís Chaves
Schauspieler - Oliwia Smolen & Lukas N.P. Egger