Well, on Sunday I was sitting at home and this urge came over me to take something apart (it's been a while since that happened, used to be too busy to do so), and all I really had on-hand that I hadn't yet taken apart and re-assembled was my old, broken iPod Mini (broken in the sense that the battery holds roughly 5 seconds of charge). First I had to heat the glue at the top and bottom with a hair dryer, then I pried them off (using a thin screwdriver and my fingernail to bend the side away), unhook the bottom metal plate (held in place using tension in the tags), disconnected the click-wheel, unscrewed it from the top metal plate, and pushed it out. I even took pictures!
Quick note: the parts were lying on a Lufthansa clipboard, thus the funny colors.
Another slightly off-topic note. The article for Full Circle Magazine I wrote (Command & Conquer, filling in for Robert Clipsham) was released in issue 21 yesterday: http://fullcirclemagazine.org/2009/02/02/full-circle-21-out-now-finally/
congrats on the article in full circle
Thanks :)
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