Well, I'm now on study leave for a week before my exams start. By the end of May I'll have graduated high school. So if the next update is a little delayed (day or two maybe) you guys know why.
These days I've been bothered by my temperamental laptop again. The charger is starting to die (it's the THIRD charger for this HP DV6545eg laptop in the last year), and I'm tired of replacing it, so I've decided to replace the laptop after I graduate. I've decided this mainly because the battery life of the HP laptop is terrible (about and hour and a half, maybe a bit longer), and the hard drive seems to be starting to die (I give it another month or two before it bites the dust). Seeing as the total cost of replacements would be around about 200€ I decided I may as well buy a new laptop for twice as much and get better battery life and mobility (my laptop is 15.4"). I've decided I want to get the Samsung NC10 netbook, which has a rumoured battery life of up to 7 hours (even if it only gets to 4 or 5 hours I'd be ecstatic), and is 10.2", which means it'll be nice and portable for me. Not sure if I'll go with Ubuntu 9.04 netbook edition, ArchLinux, or a normal install of Ubuntu. If anyone has any comments on compatibility (according to Ubuntu wiki only suspend/resume and sound recording doesn't work), please post a comment.
On a bit of an ironic note...the Samsung NC10 has an integrated graphics card with more shared memory than my laptop. Current laptop: Nvidia 7150m chipset with 128MB shared memory, NC10: Intel GMA 950 with max. 384 MB SharedMemory. Sure, the NC10 only has 1GB of RAM, but I can easily increase that, though my current PC and laptop set ups only require about 300MB of RAM for everything I do. Actually...looking at these specifications...the NC10 has bluetooth and all that, seems it is a better deal than my laptop (for half the price too). How times change.
I'm also hoping to get another Acer x223w monitor (22") for my PC, which will require yet another re-organizing of my desk.
The latest program I'm working on is a command-line tool for googling using python. So far the only thing it does is take supplied search terms and open the google results in firefox, since the SOAP API from google was dropped, and I've not got the time yet to try to implement the AJAX API in some way or form. I'm doing this mainly for practice so that I can get some hands-on experience with formatting large chunks of input in python, and so I can work with urls a bit.
Also, I noticed something interesting this morning. I have a follower! First one too, it was a bit of a surprise. I thought to myself "has that function always been there?". It's nice to know someone reads these articles (besides people I know personally).
One final note: I'm open to any suggestions if anyone would like a how-to written on a specific linux problem, or anything like that. Just drop a comment with your request and I will do my best to write a how-to on it.
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