Tuesday, December 8, 2009

More Google Wave Invites!

*Update* Google Wave was released to the public, thereby making this thread obsolete.

I got another bunch of invites to send out. In total I have 17 invites to give out. Same deal as the last time. First come, first serve, leave your email address in a comment with an "invite please" (or something like that), and I'll add you. Invites can take some time to be sent out, but it seems to be going quicker these days. Either way, I suggest you don't wait for it, just let it surprise you.

6 of 17 invites remaining.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lswest. Please send me an invite to jmrleca(at)gmail(dot)com. Thank you.

Lswest said...

Added you to the invitee list.

Anonymous said...

invite please
thank you

Lswest said...

Added, and you're welcome.

Scott said...

I'd like to give Wave a try, please could I have an invite? Cheers!


Lswest said...

Added you to the invite list. You should see the invite within the next 24 hours (seems to be the time it takes these days).

Unknown said...


Please toss me an invite. Thanks!

Lswest said...

Added you to the invite list.

Anonymous said...

May I have an invite?
teamonsterxlr8 at gmail dot com

Lswest said...

Added you to the invite list as well.

S_NewAge said...

Hi Lswest. Can you please send me an google wave invite to sselvam2005@gmail.com

S_NewAge said...

Thanks Lswets for the invitation!

Lswest said...

You're very welcome :) And since I noticed you commented twice, any comments going in on a blog post that's older than 7 days has to be approved by me before it shows up at all, simply to avoid spam (it's either that, or a CAPTCHA, which I find more annoying).

D.G. Chichester said...

Hi if there's an invite left, I'd appreciate getting in on the Wave. Much thanks either way and happy holidays! Email is

Lswest said...


Anonymous said...

Can you please send me an google wave to berwies (at)googlemail(dot)com?
Thank you.

Lswest said...


Raghu said...

Hi Lswest.. throw me an invite mate..!! Wanting to check the WAVE :)..
Thank You

Lswest said...

Sure thing! Added you to the invite list. Enjoy, and throw me a wave if you have any questions!

Raghu said...

Thanks Lswest..!! That was way too fast ;)

Lswest said...

Haha, I try to avoid keeping my readers waiting :P