Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Vim Powerline

I was recently introduced to Powerline, which is an awesome addition to Vim, giving you a more informational status bar, as well as a python script to patch your font for a very fancy unicode symbol. I've written a more detailed article in FCM #59, due out later this month. However, if you're curious what it looks like when used in a prompt, you can check out my most recent screenshot on DeviantArt (here).

This is easily installed into Vim using vundle (links below). Essentially you tell vundle to install Lokaltog/vim-powerline, and then run the patch from ~/.vim/bundle/vim-powerline/fontpatcher/ (as detailed in the README in that folder). Once you've done that you can simply configure Powerline to use the fancy theme, and copy that symbol into your PS1. This would probably also work for tty screens, though you'd need to patch that font separately.

For a more thorough description of the process, please check out Command & Conquer in Full Circle Magazine #59. If you can't wait for FCM to be released, leave a comment below with your questions, and I'll get back to you as quickly as possible.


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