Thursday, June 19, 2008

New PC has been ordered!!!

Okay, well I just ordered my new powerhouse PC, and I'll be building it together myself, and probably dual-booting Arch and XP (since I do intend to play some games on it :P). Parts:

Case: ATX RaidMax Ninja 918 (no PSU) in black
CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo 2.33GHz 1333MHz FSB S775 4MB 65nm
RAM: 2x1024MB OCZ DDR2 800MHz CL4 EL Rev 2.0 platinum XTC
Graphics Card: 512MB Gigabyte Geforce 8600 PCIe DDR2 128bit 2xDVI TVOut HDCP
Motherboard: Asus P5KPL S775 iG31 FSB 1066MHz PCIe ATX
HDD: 500GB Seagate Barracuda 7200RPM SATA II 16MB cache
DVD drive: Samsung SH-S203D/BEBE SATA black without bulk software
PSU: ATX Xilence Power 500W ATX 2.0

And, of course, once this is built and running I will upload some pictures of it in action. (I'm ordering all this off, it's a German site, but offers good prices and no shipping on purchases of 100€ or more - not sure to where it ships, but since I'm in Germany, it made sense).


Wonderboy™ said...

Hey, good for you! How much will that cost altogether, though?

Lswest said...

altogether it cost 448€ which is about 674USD (give or take a couple of bucks). Only thing is I didn't buy a monitor with it or an XP license, since I have one that's not in use. Pretty cheap if you ask me. Case should come tomorrow, then I'll put it together and drop a new blog entry with a few pictures for everyone to drool at ;) :P